Train timetables from Agropoli-Castellabate to Castiglione Cosentino

TrainAgropoli-CastellabateCastiglione CosentinoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2400708:1210:42NAPOLI CENTRALE (06:50) -> COSENZA (10:51)2h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 557708:1010:45NAPOLI CENTRALE (06:50) -> COSENZA (10:49)2h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 558314:1016:40NAPOLI CENTRALE (12:50) -> COSENZA (16:49)2h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Agropoli-Castellabate to Castiglione Cosentino

What time does the first train leave from Agropoli-Castellabate to Castiglione Cosentino?

The first train between Agropoli-Castellabate and Castiglione Cosentino leaves at undefined

What time does the last train leave from Agropoli-Castellabate to Castiglione Cosentino?

The last train between Agropoli-Castellabate and Castiglione Cosentino leaves at 10:09

What time does the first train arrive from Agropoli-Castellabate to Castiglione Cosentino?

The first train between Agropoli-Castellabate and Castiglione Cosentino arrives at undefined

What time does the last train arrive from Agropoli-Castellabate to Castiglione Cosentino?

The last train between Agropoli-Castellabate and Castiglione Cosentino arrives at undefined

How many trains are there between Agropoli-Castellabate and Castiglione Cosentino every day?

There are 7 trains between Agropoli-Castellabate and Castiglione Cosentino every day.

Which trains are there every day between Agropoli-Castellabate and Castiglione Cosentino?

Trains run every day between Agropoli-Castellabate and Castiglione Cosentino: Treno Regionale 5585, Treno Regionale 24007, Treno Regionale 5577, Treno Regionale 23891, Treno Regionale 5583, Treno Regionale 24017, Treno Regionale 24011