Train timetables from Alba Adriatica-Nereto to Tollo-Canosa Sannita

TrainAlba Adriatica-NeretoTollo-Canosa SannitaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2390709:0710:00Teramo (07:47) -> LANCIANO (10:38) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2396113:4714:44San Benedetto del Tronto (13:35) -> San Vito-Lanciano (14:58) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2394711:4312:33San Benedetto del Tronto (11:32) -> San Vito-Lanciano (12:48) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2391713:4614:44San Benedetto del Tronto (13:35) -> Pescara (15:30) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2390908:5909:52San Benedetto del Tronto (08:47) -> Sulmona (11:22) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Alba Adriatica-Nereto to Tollo-Canosa Sannita

What time does the first train leave from Alba Adriatica-Nereto to Tollo-Canosa Sannita?

The first train between Alba Adriatica-Nereto and Tollo-Canosa Sannita leaves at 09:07

What time does the last train leave from Alba Adriatica-Nereto to Tollo-Canosa Sannita?

The last train between Alba Adriatica-Nereto and Tollo-Canosa Sannita leaves at 08:59

What time does the first train arrive from Alba Adriatica-Nereto to Tollo-Canosa Sannita?

The first train between Alba Adriatica-Nereto and Tollo-Canosa Sannita arrives at 10:00

What time does the last train arrive from Alba Adriatica-Nereto to Tollo-Canosa Sannita?

The last train between Alba Adriatica-Nereto and Tollo-Canosa Sannita arrives at 09:52

How many trains are there between Alba Adriatica-Nereto and Tollo-Canosa Sannita every day?

There are 7 trains between Alba Adriatica-Nereto and Tollo-Canosa Sannita every day.

Which trains are there every day between Alba Adriatica-Nereto and Tollo-Canosa Sannita?

Trains run every day between Alba Adriatica-Nereto and Tollo-Canosa Sannita: Treno Regionale 23907, Treno Regionale 23913, Treno Regionale 23938, Treno Regionale 23961, Treno Regionale 23947, Treno Regionale 23917, Treno Regionale 23909