Train timetables from Borgo Lavezzaro to Genova Quinto

TrainBorgo LavezzaroGenova QuintoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 1125608:3714:51Mortara (08:28) -> NOVARA (08:52)6h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Borgo Lavezzaro to Genova Quinto

What time does the first train leave from Borgo Lavezzaro to Genova Quinto?

The first train between Borgo Lavezzaro and Genova Quinto leaves at undefined

What time does the last train leave from Borgo Lavezzaro to Genova Quinto?

The last train between Borgo Lavezzaro and Genova Quinto leaves at 06:22

What time does the first train arrive from Borgo Lavezzaro to Genova Quinto?

The first train between Borgo Lavezzaro and Genova Quinto arrives at 23:33

What time does the last train arrive from Borgo Lavezzaro to Genova Quinto?

The last train between Borgo Lavezzaro and Genova Quinto arrives at undefined

How many trains are there between Borgo Lavezzaro and Genova Quinto every day?

There are 20 trains between Borgo Lavezzaro and Genova Quinto every day.

Which trains are there every day between Borgo Lavezzaro and Genova Quinto?

Trains run every day between Borgo Lavezzaro and Genova Quinto: Treno Regionale 11285, Treno Regionale 11251, Treno Regionale 11279, Treno Regionale 11287, Treno Regionale 11263, Treno Regionale 11274, Treno Regionale 11253, Treno Regionale 11273, Treno Regionale 11278, Treno Regionale 11267, Treno Regionale 11275, Treno Regionale 11265, Treno Regionale 11252, Treno Regionale 11254, Treno Regionale 11277, Treno Regionale 11255, Treno Regionale 11271, Treno Regionale 11256, Treno Regionale 11257, Treno Regionale 11250