Train timetables from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Castelfranco Veneto

TrainBusche-Lentiai-MelCastelfranco VenetoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 3365207:4716:34Feltre (07:39) -> Castelfranco Veneto (16:34)8h { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE59912:2414:15Belluno (11:45) -> Castelfranco Veneto (14:15)1h { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE62917:2419:15Belluno (16:45) -> Castelfranco Veneto (19:15)1h { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE62116:2418:15Belluno (15:45) -> Castelfranco Veneto (18:15)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1674307:0508:23Belluno (06:34) -> Castelfranco Veneto (08:23)1h { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE61114:2416:15Belluno (13:45) -> Castelfranco Veneto (16:15)1h { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE59310:2412:15Belluno (09:45) -> Castelfranco Veneto (12:15)1h { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE57106:2408:15Belluno (05:45) -> Castelfranco Veneto (08:15)1h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Castelfranco Veneto

What time does the first train leave from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Castelfranco Veneto?

The first train between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Castelfranco Veneto leaves at undefined

What time does the last train leave from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Castelfranco Veneto?

The last train between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Castelfranco Veneto leaves at 06:24

What time does the first train arrive from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Castelfranco Veneto?

The first train between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Castelfranco Veneto arrives at 06:41

What time does the last train arrive from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Castelfranco Veneto?

The last train between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Castelfranco Veneto arrives at 08:15

How many trains are there between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Castelfranco Veneto every day?

There are 18 trains between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Castelfranco Veneto every day.

Which trains are there every day between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Castelfranco Veneto?

Trains run every day between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Castelfranco Veneto: Treno Regionale 33610, Treno Regionale 33616, Treno Regionale 33648, Bus Sostitutivo NA812, Treno Regionale 33652, Treno Regionale 33614, Treno Regionale 33650, Bus Sostitutivo VE599, Treno Regionale 33612, Treno Regionale 33654, Bus Sostitutivo VE629, Bus Sostitutivo VE621, Treno Regionale 33646, Treno Regionale 16743, Bus Sostitutivo VE611, Treno Regionale 33644, Bus Sostitutivo VE593, Bus Sostitutivo VE571