Train timetables from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Ponte nelle Alpi

TrainBusche-Lentiai-MelPonte nelle AlpiEntire sectionDurationInfo
Bus Sostitutivo VE45408:1409:06MONTEBELLUNA (07:09) -> Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (09:57) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE47417:1418:06MONTEBELLUNA (16:09) -> Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (18:57) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE47819:1420:06MONTEBELLUNA (18:09) -> Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (20:57) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE45207:1408:06MONTEBELLUNA (06:09) -> Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (08:57) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE47015:1416:06MONTEBELLUNA (14:09) -> Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (16:57) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE46814:1415:06MONTEBELLUNA (13:09) -> Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (15:57) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 3362008:4709:25Feltre (08:39) -> Ponte nelle Alpi (09:25) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Ponte nelle Alpi

What time does the first train leave from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Ponte nelle Alpi?

The first train between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Ponte nelle Alpi leaves at 08:14

What time does the last train leave from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Ponte nelle Alpi?

The last train between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Ponte nelle Alpi leaves at 08:47

What time does the first train arrive from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Ponte nelle Alpi?

The first train between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Ponte nelle Alpi arrives at 09:06

What time does the last train arrive from Busche-Lentiai-Mel to Ponte nelle Alpi?

The last train between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Ponte nelle Alpi arrives at 09:25

How many trains are there between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Ponte nelle Alpi every day?

There are 7 trains between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Ponte nelle Alpi every day.

Which trains are there every day between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Ponte nelle Alpi?

Trains run every day between Busche-Lentiai-Mel and Ponte nelle Alpi: Bus Sostitutivo VE454, Bus Sostitutivo VE474, Bus Sostitutivo VE478, Bus Sostitutivo VE452, Bus Sostitutivo VE470, Bus Sostitutivo VE468, Treno Regionale 33620