Train timetables from Ca' Di Boschetti to Torre del Lago

TrainCa' Di BoschettiTorre del LagoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 1186518:2919:12La Spezia Centrale (18:21) -> Pisa Centrale (19:27) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1170507:50Firenze Santa Maria Novella (06:08) -> La Spezia Centrale (08:51)23h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2144118:2919:12La Spezia Centrale (18:21) -> Pisa Centrale (19:27) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1186317:2218:08La Spezia Centrale (17:15) -> Pisa Centrale (18:25) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1937317:1718:03La Spezia Centrale (17:10) -> Pisa Centrale (18:20) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Ca' Di Boschetti to Torre del Lago

What time does the first train leave from Ca' Di Boschetti to Torre del Lago?

The first train between Ca' Di Boschetti and Torre del Lago leaves at 18:29

What time does the last train leave from Ca' Di Boschetti to Torre del Lago?

The last train between Ca' Di Boschetti and Torre del Lago leaves at 17:17

What time does the first train arrive from Ca' Di Boschetti to Torre del Lago?

The first train between Ca' Di Boschetti and Torre del Lago arrives at 19:12

What time does the last train arrive from Ca' Di Boschetti to Torre del Lago?

The last train between Ca' Di Boschetti and Torre del Lago arrives at 18:03

How many trains are there between Ca' Di Boschetti and Torre del Lago every day?

There are 5 trains between Ca' Di Boschetti and Torre del Lago every day.

Which trains are there every day between Ca' Di Boschetti and Torre del Lago?

Trains run every day between Ca' Di Boschetti and Torre del Lago: Treno Regionale 11865, Treno Regionale 11705, Treno Regionale 21441, Treno Regionale 11863, Treno Regionale 19373