Train timetables from Castro-Pofi to Labico

TrainCastro-PofiLabicoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 1259004:1205:09CASSINO (03:38) -> Roma Termini (05:48) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale Veloce 1264220:0821:04CASSINO (19:34) -> Roma Termini (21:48) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale Veloce 1260209:2510:22CASSINO (08:50) -> Roma Termini (11:07) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 160406:5907:55Caserta (05:12) -> Roma Termini (08:34) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 756421:5422:50CASSINO (21:20) -> Roma Termini (23:34) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale Veloce 1263418:3219:33CASSINO (17:58) -> Roma Termini (20:20)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale Veloce 1261012:5313:55CASSINO (12:18) -> Roma Termini (14:48)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 756618:3219:33CASSINO (17:58) -> Roma Termini (20:20)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale Veloce 583607:0007:56Caserta (05:12) -> Roma Termini (08:34) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale Veloce 1264621:5422:50CASSINO (21:20) -> Roma Termini (23:34) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale Veloce 1264020:0621:03CASSINO (19:32) -> Roma Termini (21:48) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale Veloce 1261213:0514:02CASSINO (12:31) -> Roma Termini (14:48) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 752804:1205:09CASSINO (03:38) -> Roma Termini (05:48) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Castro-Pofi to Labico

What time does the first train leave from Castro-Pofi to Labico?

The first train between Castro-Pofi and Labico leaves at 04:12

What time does the last train leave from Castro-Pofi to Labico?

The last train between Castro-Pofi and Labico leaves at undefined

What time does the first train arrive from Castro-Pofi to Labico?

The first train between Castro-Pofi and Labico arrives at 05:09

What time does the last train arrive from Castro-Pofi to Labico?

The last train between Castro-Pofi and Labico arrives at undefined

How many trains are there between Castro-Pofi and Labico every day?

There are 19 trains between Castro-Pofi and Labico every day.

Which trains are there every day between Castro-Pofi and Labico?

Trains run every day between Castro-Pofi and Labico: Treno Regionale 12590, Treno Regionale 1755, Treno Regionale Veloce 12642, Treno Regionale Veloce 12602, Treno Regionale 1604, Treno Regionale 7564, Treno Regionale Veloce 12634, Treno Regionale Veloce 12610, Treno Regionale 7566, Treno Regionale Veloce 12622, Treno Regionale 21856, Treno Regionale Veloce 5836, Treno Regionale 21860, Treno Regionale Veloce 12646, Treno Regionale Veloce 12640, Treno Regionale 21864, Treno Regionale Veloce 12612, Treno Regionale 7528, Treno Regionale 21868