Train timetables from Cesate to Milano Lambrate

TrainCesateMilano LambrateEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Suburbano 2413310:1513:34Saronno (10:08) -> Lodi (11:37)3h { mins }}min
Treno Suburbano 2412909:1512:34Saronno (09:08) -> Lodi (10:37)3h { mins }}min
Treno Suburbano 2412107:1510:34Saronno (07:08) -> Lodi (08:37)3h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Cesate to Milano Lambrate

What time does the first train leave from Cesate to Milano Lambrate?

The first train between Cesate and Milano Lambrate leaves at 12:15

What time does the last train leave from Cesate to Milano Lambrate?

The last train between Cesate and Milano Lambrate leaves at 11:45

What time does the first train arrive from Cesate to Milano Lambrate?

The first train between Cesate and Milano Lambrate arrives at undefined

What time does the last train arrive from Cesate to Milano Lambrate?

The last train between Cesate and Milano Lambrate arrives at undefined

How many trains are there between Cesate and Milano Lambrate every day?

There are 25 trains between Cesate and Milano Lambrate every day.

Which trains are there every day between Cesate and Milano Lambrate?

Trains run every day between Cesate and Milano Lambrate: Treno Suburbano 24141, Treno Suburbano 24135, Treno Suburbano 24163, Treno Suburbano 24161, Treno Suburbano 24147, Treno Suburbano 24165, Treno Suburbano 24151, Treno Suburbano 24119, Treno Suburbano 24133, Treno Suburbano 24145, Treno Suburbano 24127, Treno Suburbano 24129, Treno Suburbano 24155, Treno Suburbano 24123, Treno Suburbano 24159, Treno Suburbano 24117, Treno Regionale 19450, Treno Suburbano 24143, Treno Suburbano 24157, Treno Suburbano 24137, Treno Suburbano 24121, Treno Suburbano 24149, Treno Suburbano 24153, Treno Suburbano 24125, Treno Suburbano 24139