Train timetables from Chiari to MILANO GRECO PIRELLI

TrainChiariMILANO GRECO PIRELLIEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 1074022:0723:08Brescia (21:48) -> MILANO GRECO PIRELLI (23:08)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1071807:2508:26Brescia (07:06) -> MILANO GRECO PIRELLI (08:26)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1071204:5706:08Brescia (04:38) -> MILANO GRECO PIRELLI (06:08)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1073619:0720:08Ospitaletto Travagliato (18:56) -> MILANO GRECO PIRELLI (20:08)1h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Chiari to MILANO GRECO PIRELLI

What time does the first train leave from Chiari to MILANO GRECO PIRELLI?

The first train between Chiari and MILANO GRECO PIRELLI leaves at 22:07

What time does the last train leave from Chiari to MILANO GRECO PIRELLI?

The last train between Chiari and MILANO GRECO PIRELLI leaves at undefined

What time does the first train arrive from Chiari to MILANO GRECO PIRELLI?

The first train between Chiari and MILANO GRECO PIRELLI arrives at 23:08

What time does the last train arrive from Chiari to MILANO GRECO PIRELLI?

The last train between Chiari and MILANO GRECO PIRELLI arrives at undefined

How many trains are there between Chiari and MILANO GRECO PIRELLI every day?

There are 9 trains between Chiari and MILANO GRECO PIRELLI every day.

Which trains are there every day between Chiari and MILANO GRECO PIRELLI?

Trains run every day between Chiari and MILANO GRECO PIRELLI: Treno Regionale 10740, Treno Regionale 10718, Treno Regionale 10712, Treno Regionale 10906, Treno Regionale 10944, Treno Regionale 10736, Treno Regionale 10934, Treno Regionale 10938, Treno Regionale 10926