Train timetables from Chiusi-Chianciano Terme to Reggio Emilia

TrainChiusi-Chianciano TermeReggio EmiliaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno InterCity 156818:4722:23Reggio Calabria Centrale (09:25) -> Milano Centrale (00:10)3h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 9580409:0915:50Roma Termini (07:28) -> Firenze Santa Maria Novella (11:00)6h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 3420415:3418:35Roma Tiburtina (13:30) -> Milano Centrale (20:12)3h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 59618:1021:22NAPOLI CENTRALE (14:31) -> Lodi (22:43)3h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 159018:4722:23Reggio Calabria Centrale (09:00) -> Milano Centrale (00:10)3h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 158818:4222:23Reggio Calabria Centrale (09:25) -> Bologna Centrale (21:30)3h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Chiusi-Chianciano Terme to Reggio Emilia

What time does the first train leave from Chiusi-Chianciano Terme to Reggio Emilia?

The first train between Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and Reggio Emilia leaves at 18:47

What time does the last train leave from Chiusi-Chianciano Terme to Reggio Emilia?

The last train between Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and Reggio Emilia leaves at 18:42

What time does the first train arrive from Chiusi-Chianciano Terme to Reggio Emilia?

The first train between Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and Reggio Emilia arrives at 22:23

What time does the last train arrive from Chiusi-Chianciano Terme to Reggio Emilia?

The last train between Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and Reggio Emilia arrives at 22:23

How many trains are there between Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and Reggio Emilia every day?

There are 8 trains between Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and Reggio Emilia every day.

Which trains are there every day between Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and Reggio Emilia?

Trains run every day between Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and Reggio Emilia: Treno InterCity 1568, Treno Regionale 95804, Treno InterCity 35178, Treno InterCity 590, Treno Regionale 34204, Treno InterCity 596, Treno InterCity 1590, Treno InterCity 1588