Train timetables from Civita D'antino-Morino to Morrea-Castronovo

TrainCivita D'antino-MorinoMorrea-CastronovoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Bus Sostitutivo PE21521:2021:26AVEZZANO (20:35) -> CASSINO (23:03) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 748314:4214:46AVEZZANO (14:05) -> CASSINO (16:20) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo PE29111:2511:31AVEZZANO (10:40) -> Sora (12:05) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 748114:3514:39AVEZZANO (13:59) -> CASSINO (16:13) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2019714:4214:46AVEZZANO (14:05) -> NOVARA (19:48) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 747307:2507:29AVEZZANO (06:43) -> CASSINO (09:04) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 747913:1613:20AVEZZANO (12:40) -> CASSINO (15:01) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo PE21717:0517:11AVEZZANO (16:20) -> Sora (17:40) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2019919:1919:23AVEZZANO (18:46) -> CASSINO (20:52) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2018909:1109:15AVEZZANO (08:35) -> CASSINO (10:44) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 748719:2019:24AVEZZANO (18:46) -> CASSINO (20:52) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2019514:3514:39AVEZZANO (13:59) -> CASSINO (16:13) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 747509:2109:25AVEZZANO (08:45) -> CASSINO (10:52) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 747710:5611:00AVEZZANO (10:15) -> Sora (11:30) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2018707:1507:19AVEZZANO (06:33) -> CASSINO (08:57) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2019313:1713:21AVEZZANO (12:40) -> CASSINO (15:01) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Civita D'antino-Morino to Morrea-Castronovo

What time does the first train leave from Civita D'antino-Morino to Morrea-Castronovo?

The first train between Civita D'antino-Morino and Morrea-Castronovo leaves at 21:20

What time does the last train leave from Civita D'antino-Morino to Morrea-Castronovo?

The last train between Civita D'antino-Morino and Morrea-Castronovo leaves at 13:17

What time does the first train arrive from Civita D'antino-Morino to Morrea-Castronovo?

The first train between Civita D'antino-Morino and Morrea-Castronovo arrives at 21:26

What time does the last train arrive from Civita D'antino-Morino to Morrea-Castronovo?

The last train between Civita D'antino-Morino and Morrea-Castronovo arrives at 13:21

How many trains are there between Civita D'antino-Morino and Morrea-Castronovo every day?

There are 16 trains between Civita D'antino-Morino and Morrea-Castronovo every day.

Which trains are there every day between Civita D'antino-Morino and Morrea-Castronovo?

Trains run every day between Civita D'antino-Morino and Morrea-Castronovo: Bus Sostitutivo PE215, Treno Regionale 7483, Bus Sostitutivo PE291, Treno Regionale 7481, Treno Regionale 20197, Treno Regionale 7473, Treno Regionale 7479, Bus Sostitutivo PE217, Treno Regionale 20199, Treno Regionale 20189, Treno Regionale 7487, Treno Regionale 20195, Treno Regionale 7475, Treno Regionale 7477, Treno Regionale 20187, Treno Regionale 20193