Train timetables from Como Camerlata to Maroggia Melano

TrainComo CamerlataMaroggia MelanoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Suburbano 2515405:0605:42Albate-Camerlata (05:05) -> Bellinzona (06:19) { mins }}min
Treno Suburbano 2515606:0606:41Albate-Camerlata (06:05) -> Giubiasco (07:20) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2553823:1823:50Milano Centrale (22:43) -> LOCARNO (00:35) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Como Camerlata to Maroggia Melano

What time does the first train leave from Como Camerlata to Maroggia Melano?

The first train between Como Camerlata and Maroggia Melano leaves at 05:06

What time does the last train leave from Como Camerlata to Maroggia Melano?

The last train between Como Camerlata and Maroggia Melano leaves at 23:18

What time does the first train arrive from Como Camerlata to Maroggia Melano?

The first train between Como Camerlata and Maroggia Melano arrives at 05:42

What time does the last train arrive from Como Camerlata to Maroggia Melano?

The last train between Como Camerlata and Maroggia Melano arrives at 23:50

How many trains are there between Como Camerlata and Maroggia Melano every day?

There are 3 trains between Como Camerlata and Maroggia Melano every day.

Which trains are there every day between Como Camerlata and Maroggia Melano?

Trains run every day between Como Camerlata and Maroggia Melano: Treno Suburbano 25154, Treno Suburbano 25156, Treno Regionale 25538