Train timetables from COSENZA to Marcellina-Verbicaro

TrainCOSENZAMarcellina-VerbicaroEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 559406:1507:26COSENZA (06:15) -> Vicenza (19:46)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2401415:0216:06COSENZA (15:02) -> NAPOLI CENTRALE (19:05)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 373606:2507:36COSENZA (06:25) -> SAPRI (08:15)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2401817:0018:06COSENZA (17:00) -> Guardia Piemontese Terme (17:34)1h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from COSENZA to Marcellina-Verbicaro

What time does the first train leave from COSENZA to Marcellina-Verbicaro?

The first train between COSENZA and Marcellina-Verbicaro leaves at 06:15

What time does the last train leave from COSENZA to Marcellina-Verbicaro?

The last train between COSENZA and Marcellina-Verbicaro leaves at 17:00

What time does the first train arrive from COSENZA to Marcellina-Verbicaro?

The first train between COSENZA and Marcellina-Verbicaro arrives at 07:26

What time does the last train arrive from COSENZA to Marcellina-Verbicaro?

The last train between COSENZA and Marcellina-Verbicaro arrives at 18:06

How many trains are there between COSENZA and Marcellina-Verbicaro every day?

There are 6 trains between COSENZA and Marcellina-Verbicaro every day.

Which trains are there every day between COSENZA and Marcellina-Verbicaro?

Trains run every day between COSENZA and Marcellina-Verbicaro: Treno Regionale 5594, Treno Regionale 21978, Treno Regionale 24014, Treno Regionale 5652, Treno Regionale 3736, Treno Regionale 24018