Train timetables from Eboli to Ferrandina-Scalo Matera

TrainEboliFerrandina-Scalo MateraEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno InterCity 3504509:4511:56NAPOLI CENTRALE (08:45) -> Taranto (12:55)2h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 70109:4511:54Roma Termini (06:26) -> Taranto (12:55)2h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 70718:4920:59Roma Termini (15:26) -> Taranto (22:00)2h { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo PZ10712:0514:04Salerno (11:35) -> Taranto (15:23)1h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 3502519:4621:58Eboli (19:46) -> Taranto (22:57)2h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Eboli to Ferrandina-Scalo Matera

What time does the first train leave from Eboli to Ferrandina-Scalo Matera?

The first train between Eboli and Ferrandina-Scalo Matera leaves at 09:45

What time does the last train leave from Eboli to Ferrandina-Scalo Matera?

The last train between Eboli and Ferrandina-Scalo Matera leaves at 19:46

What time does the first train arrive from Eboli to Ferrandina-Scalo Matera?

The first train between Eboli and Ferrandina-Scalo Matera arrives at 11:56

What time does the last train arrive from Eboli to Ferrandina-Scalo Matera?

The last train between Eboli and Ferrandina-Scalo Matera arrives at 21:58

How many trains are there between Eboli and Ferrandina-Scalo Matera every day?

There are 5 trains between Eboli and Ferrandina-Scalo Matera every day.

Which trains are there every day between Eboli and Ferrandina-Scalo Matera?

Trains run every day between Eboli and Ferrandina-Scalo Matera: Treno InterCity 35045, Treno InterCity 701, Treno InterCity 707, Bus Sostitutivo PZ107, Treno InterCity 35025