Train timetables from Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro to Oleggio

TrainForlimpopoli-BertinoroOleggioEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 1152206:5815:40Rimini (06:25) -> Bologna Centrale (08:01)8h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro to Oleggio

What time does the first train leave from Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro to Oleggio?

The first train between Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro and Oleggio leaves at 06:05

What time does the last train leave from Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro to Oleggio?

The last train between Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro and Oleggio leaves at 06:58

What time does the first train arrive from Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro to Oleggio?

The first train between Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro and Oleggio arrives at undefined

What time does the last train arrive from Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro to Oleggio?

The last train between Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro and Oleggio arrives at 15:40

How many trains are there between Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro and Oleggio every day?

There are 3 trains between Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro and Oleggio every day.

Which trains are there every day between Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro and Oleggio?

Trains run every day between Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro and Oleggio: Treno Regionale 11520, Treno Regionale 11523, Treno Regionale 11522