Train timetables from Giarre-Riposto to Maerne Di Martellago

TrainGiarre-RipostoMaerne Di MartellagoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Bus Sostitutivo 864A06:3907:35Alcantara (06:22) -> Venezia Santa Lucia (08:04) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Giarre-Riposto to Maerne Di Martellago

What time does the first train leave from Giarre-Riposto to Maerne Di Martellago?

The first train between Giarre-Riposto and Maerne Di Martellago leaves at 06:39

What time does the last train leave from Giarre-Riposto to Maerne Di Martellago?

The last train between Giarre-Riposto and Maerne Di Martellago leaves at 06:39

What time does the first train arrive from Giarre-Riposto to Maerne Di Martellago?

The first train between Giarre-Riposto and Maerne Di Martellago arrives at 07:35

What time does the last train arrive from Giarre-Riposto to Maerne Di Martellago?

The last train between Giarre-Riposto and Maerne Di Martellago arrives at 07:35

How many trains are there between Giarre-Riposto and Maerne Di Martellago every day?

There are 1 trains between Giarre-Riposto and Maerne Di Martellago every day.

Which trains are there every day between Giarre-Riposto and Maerne Di Martellago?

Trains run every day between Giarre-Riposto and Maerne Di Martellago: Bus Sostitutivo 864A