Train timetables from La Spezia Centrale to Montelupo-Capraia

TrainLa Spezia CentraleMontelupo-CapraiaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2337504:4306:39La Spezia Centrale (04:43) -> Pontedera-Casciana Terme (06:12)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2337604:4306:39La Spezia Centrale (04:43) -> Firenze Santa Maria Novella (07:13)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1839104:4306:39La Spezia Centrale (04:43) -> Firenze Santa Maria Novella (07:14)1h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from La Spezia Centrale to Montelupo-Capraia

What time does the first train leave from La Spezia Centrale to Montelupo-Capraia?

The first train between La Spezia Centrale and Montelupo-Capraia leaves at 04:43

What time does the last train leave from La Spezia Centrale to Montelupo-Capraia?

The last train between La Spezia Centrale and Montelupo-Capraia leaves at 04:43

What time does the first train arrive from La Spezia Centrale to Montelupo-Capraia?

The first train between La Spezia Centrale and Montelupo-Capraia arrives at 06:39

What time does the last train arrive from La Spezia Centrale to Montelupo-Capraia?

The last train between La Spezia Centrale and Montelupo-Capraia arrives at 06:39

How many trains are there between La Spezia Centrale and Montelupo-Capraia every day?

There are 3 trains between La Spezia Centrale and Montelupo-Capraia every day.

Which trains are there every day between La Spezia Centrale and Montelupo-Capraia?

Trains run every day between La Spezia Centrale and Montelupo-Capraia: Treno Regionale 23375, Treno Regionale 23376, Treno Regionale 18391