Train timetables from LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE to Catanzaro Lido

TrainLAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASECatanzaro LidoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2156118:0118:37Lamezia Terme Centrale (17:53) -> Catanzaro Lido (18:37) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2195315:5916:44Lamezia Terme Centrale (15:51) -> LOCRI (18:27) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2155514:1114:48Lamezia Terme Centrale (14:03) -> Ascoli Piceno (19:00) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2186919:1819:53Lamezia Terme Centrale (19:10) -> CASSINO (21:40) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2199914:1114:57Lamezia Terme Centrale (14:03) -> LOCRI (16:30) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2199511:5812:32Lamezia Terme Centrale (11:50) -> Crotone (13:23) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2155112:5813:35Lamezia Terme Centrale (12:50) -> Catanzaro Lido (13:35) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2155915:0215:42Lamezia Terme Centrale (14:54) -> Catanzaro Lido (15:42) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2199106:5507:32Lamezia Terme Centrale (06:47) -> Crotone (08:33) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE to Catanzaro Lido

What time does the first train leave from LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE to Catanzaro Lido?

The first train between LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE and Catanzaro Lido leaves at undefined

What time does the last train leave from LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE to Catanzaro Lido?

The last train between LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE and Catanzaro Lido leaves at 06:55

What time does the first train arrive from LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE to Catanzaro Lido?

The first train between LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE and Catanzaro Lido arrives at undefined

What time does the last train arrive from LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE to Catanzaro Lido?

The last train between LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE and Catanzaro Lido arrives at 07:32

How many trains are there between LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE and Catanzaro Lido every day?

There are 13 trains between LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE and Catanzaro Lido every day.

Which trains are there every day between LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE and Catanzaro Lido?

Trains run every day between LAMEZIA TERME-SAMBIASE and Catanzaro Lido: Treno Regionale 21849, Treno Regionale 21561, Treno Regionale 21953, Treno Regionale 21555, Treno Regionale 21869, Treno Regionale 21797, Treno Regionale 21999, Treno Regionale 21995, Treno Regionale 21551, Treno Regionale 21567, Treno Regionale 21559, Treno Regionale 5579, Treno Regionale 21991