Train timetables from Lodi to Roma Tiburtina

TrainLodiRoma TiburtinaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2042117:5212:30Fara Sabina (11:50) -> Piacenza (18:29)18h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 3510307:1813:26Lodi (07:18) -> NAPOLI CENTRALE (17:09)6h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2042518:3213:00Fara Sabina (12:20) -> Piacenza (19:01)18h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 159107:1213:14Milano Centrale (06:40) -> Reggio Calabria Centrale (22:29)6h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2040307:5209:45MILANO GRECO PIRELLI (07:10) -> Piacenza (08:29)1h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 3516107:1213:17Lodi (07:12) -> Reggio Calabria Centrale (23:19)6h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 3528307:1813:24Lodi (07:18) -> NAPOLI CENTRALE (15:29)6h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 3502715:1521:20Lodi (15:15) -> NAPOLI CENTRALE (00:20)6h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 158907:1213:14Milano Centrale (06:40) -> Reggio Calabria Centrale (21:20)6h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 58307:1813:21Milano Centrale (06:50) -> NAPOLI CENTRALE (15:29)6h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Lodi to Roma Tiburtina

What time does the first train leave from Lodi to Roma Tiburtina?

The first train between Lodi and Roma Tiburtina leaves at 15:15

What time does the last train leave from Lodi to Roma Tiburtina?

The last train between Lodi and Roma Tiburtina leaves at 07:18

What time does the first train arrive from Lodi to Roma Tiburtina?

The first train between Lodi and Roma Tiburtina arrives at undefined

What time does the last train arrive from Lodi to Roma Tiburtina?

The last train between Lodi and Roma Tiburtina arrives at 13:21

How many trains are there between Lodi and Roma Tiburtina every day?

There are 16 trains between Lodi and Roma Tiburtina every day.

Which trains are there every day between Lodi and Roma Tiburtina?

Trains run every day between Lodi and Roma Tiburtina: Treno InterCity 1577, Treno Regionale 20421, Treno InterCity 35178, Treno InterCity 35103, Treno Regionale 20425, Treno SFM Linea 4 4427, Treno InterCity 1591, Treno Regionale 20403, Treno InterCity 35161, Treno Regionale 20431, Treno Regionale Veloce 2490, Treno InterCity 35212, Treno InterCity 35283, Treno InterCity 35027, Treno InterCity 1589, Treno InterCity 583