Train timetables from Longarone-Zoldo to San Giustina-Cesio

TrainLongarone-ZoldoSan Giustina-CesioEntire sectionDurationInfo
Bus Sostitutivo VE48518:2719:25Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (17:58) -> MONTEBELLUNA (20:51) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE45706:2707:25Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (05:58) -> MONTEBELLUNA (08:51) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE46107:1708:15Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (06:48) -> MONTEBELLUNA (09:36) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE47113:2714:25Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (12:58) -> MONTEBELLUNA (15:51) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE46912:2713:25Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (11:58) -> MONTEBELLUNA (14:51) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE46509:2710:25Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (08:58) -> MONTEBELLUNA (11:51) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo VE47916:2717:25Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Cortina (15:58) -> MONTEBELLUNA (18:51) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Longarone-Zoldo to San Giustina-Cesio

What time does the first train leave from Longarone-Zoldo to San Giustina-Cesio?

The first train between Longarone-Zoldo and San Giustina-Cesio leaves at 18:27

What time does the last train leave from Longarone-Zoldo to San Giustina-Cesio?

The last train between Longarone-Zoldo and San Giustina-Cesio leaves at 16:27

What time does the first train arrive from Longarone-Zoldo to San Giustina-Cesio?

The first train between Longarone-Zoldo and San Giustina-Cesio arrives at 19:25

What time does the last train arrive from Longarone-Zoldo to San Giustina-Cesio?

The last train between Longarone-Zoldo and San Giustina-Cesio arrives at 17:25

How many trains are there between Longarone-Zoldo and San Giustina-Cesio every day?

There are 7 trains between Longarone-Zoldo and San Giustina-Cesio every day.

Which trains are there every day between Longarone-Zoldo and San Giustina-Cesio?

Trains run every day between Longarone-Zoldo and San Giustina-Cesio: Bus Sostitutivo VE485, Bus Sostitutivo VE457, Bus Sostitutivo VE461, Bus Sostitutivo VE471, Bus Sostitutivo VE469, Bus Sostitutivo VE465, Bus Sostitutivo VE479