Train timetables from Milano Centrale to COMO San GIOVANNI

TrainMilano CentraleCOMO San GIOVANNIEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno EuroCity 33217:1017:47Milano Centrale (17:10) -> ZUERICH HB (20:27) { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 32217:1017:47Milano Centrale (17:10) -> ZUERICH HB (20:27) { mins }}min
Treno Regio Express 2520007:0507:48Milano Centrale (07:05) -> COMO San GIOVANNI (07:48) { mins }}min
Treno Regio Express 2552617:2818:03Milano Centrale (17:28) -> Chiasso (18:10) { mins }}min
Treno Regio Express 2520207:3508:21Milano Centrale (07:35) -> COMO San GIOVANNI (08:21) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2553822:4323:22Milano Centrale (22:43) -> LOCARNO (00:35) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Milano Centrale to COMO San GIOVANNI

What time does the first train leave from Milano Centrale to COMO San GIOVANNI?

The first train between Milano Centrale and COMO San GIOVANNI leaves at 17:10

What time does the last train leave from Milano Centrale to COMO San GIOVANNI?

The last train between Milano Centrale and COMO San GIOVANNI leaves at 22:43

What time does the first train arrive from Milano Centrale to COMO San GIOVANNI?

The first train between Milano Centrale and COMO San GIOVANNI arrives at 17:47

What time does the last train arrive from Milano Centrale to COMO San GIOVANNI?

The last train between Milano Centrale and COMO San GIOVANNI arrives at 23:22

How many trains are there between Milano Centrale and COMO San GIOVANNI every day?

There are 6 trains between Milano Centrale and COMO San GIOVANNI every day.

Which trains are there every day between Milano Centrale and COMO San GIOVANNI?

Trains run every day between Milano Centrale and COMO San GIOVANNI: Treno EuroCity 332, Treno EuroCity 322, Treno Regio Express 25200, Treno Regio Express 25526, Treno Regio Express 25202, Treno Regionale 25538