Train timetables from Milano Lambrate to Garbagnate Parco delle Groane

TrainMilano LambrateGarbagnate Parco delle GroaneEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Suburbano 2411609:2607:37Lodi (06:23) -> Sesto San Giovanni (09:37)22h { mins }}min
Treno Suburbano 2412812:2610:37Lodi (09:23) -> Saronno (13:24)22h { mins }}min
Treno Suburbano 2413614:2612:37Lodi (11:23) -> Saronno (15:24)22h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Milano Lambrate to Garbagnate Parco delle Groane

What time does the first train leave from Milano Lambrate to Garbagnate Parco delle Groane?

The first train between Milano Lambrate and Garbagnate Parco delle Groane leaves at 09:26

What time does the last train leave from Milano Lambrate to Garbagnate Parco delle Groane?

The last train between Milano Lambrate and Garbagnate Parco delle Groane leaves at undefined

What time does the first train arrive from Milano Lambrate to Garbagnate Parco delle Groane?

The first train between Milano Lambrate and Garbagnate Parco delle Groane arrives at 07:37

What time does the last train arrive from Milano Lambrate to Garbagnate Parco delle Groane?

The last train between Milano Lambrate and Garbagnate Parco delle Groane arrives at 18:07

How many trains are there between Milano Lambrate and Garbagnate Parco delle Groane every day?

There are 28 trains between Milano Lambrate and Garbagnate Parco delle Groane every day.

Which trains are there every day between Milano Lambrate and Garbagnate Parco delle Groane?

Trains run every day between Milano Lambrate and Garbagnate Parco delle Groane: Treno Suburbano 24116, Treno Suburbano 24128, Treno Suburbano 24172, Treno Suburbano 24160, Treno Suburbano 24138, Treno Suburbano 24146, Treno Suburbano 24122, Treno Suburbano 24144, Treno Suburbano 24148, Treno Suburbano 24124, Treno Suburbano 24168, Treno Suburbano 24150, Treno Suburbano 24134, Treno Suburbano 24152, Treno Suburbano 24118, Treno Suburbano 24114, Treno Suburbano 24166, Treno Suburbano 24120, Treno Suburbano 24130, Treno Suburbano 24126, Treno Suburbano 24140, Treno Suburbano 24136, Treno Suburbano 24162, Treno Suburbano 24142, Treno Suburbano 24154, Treno Suburbano 24164, Treno Suburbano 24156, Treno Suburbano 24158