Train timetables from Milano Rogoredo to Alessandria

TrainMilano RogoredoAlessandriaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale Veloce 397218:4419:56Milano Centrale (18:30) -> Asti (20:20)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 233115:3816:49Milano Centrale (15:25) -> Voghera (16:16)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regio Express 231708:3809:49Milano Centrale (08:25) -> Voghera (09:16)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 396411:3812:49Milano Centrale (11:25) -> Alessandria (12:49)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regio Express 233617:3818:49Milano Centrale (17:25) -> Alessandria (18:49)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale Veloce 397118:4419:56Milano Centrale (18:30) -> Asti (20:20)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 233215:3816:49Milano Centrale (15:25) -> Alessandria (16:49)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 396311:3812:49Milano Centrale (11:25) -> Alessandria (12:49)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1058116:0516:21Pavia (15:05) -> Alessandria (16:21) { mins }}min
Treno Regio Express 231808:3809:49Milano Centrale (08:25) -> Alessandria (09:49)1h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Milano Rogoredo to Alessandria

What time does the first train leave from Milano Rogoredo to Alessandria?

The first train between Milano Rogoredo and Alessandria leaves at 18:44

What time does the last train leave from Milano Rogoredo to Alessandria?

The last train between Milano Rogoredo and Alessandria leaves at 08:38

What time does the first train arrive from Milano Rogoredo to Alessandria?

The first train between Milano Rogoredo and Alessandria arrives at 19:56

What time does the last train arrive from Milano Rogoredo to Alessandria?

The last train between Milano Rogoredo and Alessandria arrives at 09:49

How many trains are there between Milano Rogoredo and Alessandria every day?

There are 20 trains between Milano Rogoredo and Alessandria every day.

Which trains are there every day between Milano Rogoredo and Alessandria?

Trains run every day between Milano Rogoredo and Alessandria: Treno Regionale Veloce 3972, Treno Regionale 2331, Treno Regionale 10580, Treno Regio Express 2317, Treno Regionale 3964, Treno Regio Express 2336, Treno Regionale 10577, Treno Regio Express 2328, Treno Regio Express 2335, Treno Regionale Veloce 3971, Treno Regio Express 2327, Treno Regio Express 2339, Treno Regionale 2332, Treno Regionale 3963, Treno Regio Express 2340, Treno Regionale 11415, Treno Regionale 10581, Treno Regionale 2323, Treno Regionale 2324, Treno Regio Express 2318