Train timetables from Milano San Cristoforo to Sartirana

TrainMilano San CristoforoSartiranaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 1006718:1519:16MILANO PORTA GENOVA (18:08) -> Alessandria (19:43)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1053117:1518:17Brescia (15:40) -> Alessandria (18:43)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1007119:1520:16MILANO PORTA GENOVA (19:08) -> Alessandria (20:43)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1054519:4920:45MILANO PORTA GENOVA (19:42) -> Alessandria (21:11) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1054119:1520:17MILANO PORTA GENOVA (19:08) -> Alessandria (20:43)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1004312:4913:44MILANO PORTA GENOVA (12:42) -> Alessandria (14:15) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1006317:1518:16MILANO PORTA GENOVA (17:08) -> Valenza (18:27)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1055120:4921:45MILANO PORTA GENOVA (20:42) -> Alessandria (22:11) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1053718:1519:17MILANO PORTA GENOVA (18:08) -> Alessandria (19:43)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1054720:1521:17MILANO PORTA GENOVA (20:08) -> Alessandria (21:43)1h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Milano San Cristoforo to Sartirana

What time does the first train leave from Milano San Cristoforo to Sartirana?

The first train between Milano San Cristoforo and Sartirana leaves at 18:15

What time does the last train leave from Milano San Cristoforo to Sartirana?

The last train between Milano San Cristoforo and Sartirana leaves at 20:15

What time does the first train arrive from Milano San Cristoforo to Sartirana?

The first train between Milano San Cristoforo and Sartirana arrives at 19:16

What time does the last train arrive from Milano San Cristoforo to Sartirana?

The last train between Milano San Cristoforo and Sartirana arrives at 21:17

How many trains are there between Milano San Cristoforo and Sartirana every day?

There are 11 trains between Milano San Cristoforo and Sartirana every day.

Which trains are there every day between Milano San Cristoforo and Sartirana?

Trains run every day between Milano San Cristoforo and Sartirana: Treno Regionale 10067, Treno Regionale 10531, Treno Regionale 10071, Treno Regionale 10075, Treno Regionale 10545, Treno Regionale 10541, Treno Regionale 10043, Treno Regionale 10063, Treno Regionale 10551, Treno Regionale 10537, Treno Regionale 10547