Train timetables from MIRA-MIRANO to Cerea

TrainMIRA-MIRANOCereaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2048817:4219:28Venezia Mestre (17:35) -> MANTOVA (20:23)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1698317:4219:28Venezia Mestre (17:35) -> MANTOVA (20:23)1h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from MIRA-MIRANO to Cerea

What time does the first train leave from MIRA-MIRANO to Cerea?

The first train between MIRA-MIRANO and Cerea leaves at 17:42

What time does the last train leave from MIRA-MIRANO to Cerea?

The last train between MIRA-MIRANO and Cerea leaves at 17:42

What time does the first train arrive from MIRA-MIRANO to Cerea?

The first train between MIRA-MIRANO and Cerea arrives at 19:28

What time does the last train arrive from MIRA-MIRANO to Cerea?

The last train between MIRA-MIRANO and Cerea arrives at 19:28

How many trains are there between MIRA-MIRANO and Cerea every day?

There are 3 trains between MIRA-MIRANO and Cerea every day.

Which trains are there every day between MIRA-MIRANO and Cerea?

Trains run every day between MIRA-MIRANO and Cerea: Treno Regionale 20488, Treno Regionale 20487, Treno Regionale 16983