Train timetables from Napoli San Giovanni Barra to Guardia Piemontese Terme

TrainNapoli San Giovanni BarraGuardia Piemontese TermeEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2223107:2611:18NAPOLI CENTRALE (07:14) -> Paola (11:30)3h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Napoli San Giovanni Barra to Guardia Piemontese Terme

What time does the first train leave from Napoli San Giovanni Barra to Guardia Piemontese Terme?

The first train between Napoli San Giovanni Barra and Guardia Piemontese Terme leaves at 07:26

What time does the last train leave from Napoli San Giovanni Barra to Guardia Piemontese Terme?

The last train between Napoli San Giovanni Barra and Guardia Piemontese Terme leaves at 07:26

What time does the first train arrive from Napoli San Giovanni Barra to Guardia Piemontese Terme?

The first train between Napoli San Giovanni Barra and Guardia Piemontese Terme arrives at 11:18

What time does the last train arrive from Napoli San Giovanni Barra to Guardia Piemontese Terme?

The last train between Napoli San Giovanni Barra and Guardia Piemontese Terme arrives at 11:18

How many trains are there between Napoli San Giovanni Barra and Guardia Piemontese Terme every day?

There are 1 trains between Napoli San Giovanni Barra and Guardia Piemontese Terme every day.

Which trains are there every day between Napoli San Giovanni Barra and Guardia Piemontese Terme?

Trains run every day between Napoli San Giovanni Barra and Guardia Piemontese Terme: Treno Regionale 22231