Train timetables from Pavia to Nice Ville

TrainPaviaNice VilleEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno EuroCity 3515915:3519:59Milano Centrale (15:05) -> Toulon (21:43)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 3514411:3516:00Milano Centrale (11:10) -> VENTIMIGLIA (14:54)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 14207:3512:00Milano Centrale (07:10) -> Monaco Monte Carlo (11:39)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 14107:3512:00Milano Centrale (07:10) -> VENTIMIGLIA (10:54)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 3514107:3512:00Milano Centrale (07:10) -> Monaco Monte Carlo (11:39)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 3514311:3516:00Milano Centrale (11:10) -> Monaco Monte Carlo (15:41)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 16015:3519:59CIVIDALE (09:58) -> Toulon (21:43)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 3516015:3519:59Milano Centrale (15:05) -> VENTIMIGLIA (18:54)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 3514207:3512:00Milano Centrale (07:10) -> VENTIMIGLIA (10:54)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 14311:3516:00Milano Centrale (11:10) -> VENTIMIGLIA (14:54)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 14411:3516:00Milano Centrale (11:10) -> Monaco Monte Carlo (15:41)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 15915:3519:59CIVIDALE (09:58) -> VENTIMIGLIA (18:54)4h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Pavia to Nice Ville

What time does the first train leave from Pavia to Nice Ville?

The first train between Pavia and Nice Ville leaves at 15:35

What time does the last train leave from Pavia to Nice Ville?

The last train between Pavia and Nice Ville leaves at 15:35

What time does the first train arrive from Pavia to Nice Ville?

The first train between Pavia and Nice Ville arrives at 19:59

What time does the last train arrive from Pavia to Nice Ville?

The last train between Pavia and Nice Ville arrives at 19:59

How many trains are there between Pavia and Nice Ville every day?

There are 12 trains between Pavia and Nice Ville every day.

Which trains are there every day between Pavia and Nice Ville?

Trains run every day between Pavia and Nice Ville: Treno EuroCity 35159, Treno EuroCity 35144, Treno EuroCity 142, Treno EuroCity 141, Treno EuroCity 35141, Treno EuroCity 35143, Treno EuroCity 160, Treno EuroCity 35160, Treno EuroCity 35142, Treno EuroCity 143, Treno EuroCity 144, Treno EuroCity 159