Train timetables from Roma Ostiense to Campiglia Marittima

TrainRoma OstienseCampiglia MarittimaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno InterCity 3561010:0712:07Salerno (06:25) -> Torino Porta Nuova (17:40)2h
Treno InterCity 51010:0712:07Salerno (06:25) -> Torino Porta Nuova (17:40)2h
Treno Regionale Veloce 234820:2323:03Roma Termini (20:12) -> Rosignano (23:35)2h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 3517011:0713:10Roma Termini (10:57) -> Torino Porta Nuova (18:45)2h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 52219:4321:51La Spezia Centrale (00:08) -> Sestri Levante (00:49)2h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 162406:2308:53Roma Termini (06:12) -> Pisa Centrale (10:18)2h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale Veloce 233606:2308:53Roma Termini (06:12) -> Pisa Centrale (10:18)2h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Roma Ostiense to Campiglia Marittima

What time does the first train leave from Roma Ostiense to Campiglia Marittima?

The first train between Roma Ostiense and Campiglia Marittima leaves at undefined

What time does the last train leave from Roma Ostiense to Campiglia Marittima?

The last train between Roma Ostiense and Campiglia Marittima leaves at 06:23

What time does the first train arrive from Roma Ostiense to Campiglia Marittima?

The first train between Roma Ostiense and Campiglia Marittima arrives at undefined

What time does the last train arrive from Roma Ostiense to Campiglia Marittima?

The last train between Roma Ostiense and Campiglia Marittima arrives at 08:53

How many trains are there between Roma Ostiense and Campiglia Marittima every day?

There are 8 trains between Roma Ostiense and Campiglia Marittima every day.

Which trains are there every day between Roma Ostiense and Campiglia Marittima?

Trains run every day between Roma Ostiense and Campiglia Marittima: Treno InterCity 35132, Treno InterCity 35610, Treno InterCity 510, Treno Regionale Veloce 2348, Treno InterCity 35170, Treno InterCity 522, Treno Regionale 1624, Treno Regionale Veloce 2336