Train timetables from Roma Termini to Scalea

TrainRoma TerminiScaleaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 814318:3021:43Torino Porta Nuova (13:20) -> Reggio Calabria Centrale (00:03)3h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 152116:2621:11Roma Termini (16:26) -> Vibo Valentia-Pizzo (22:36)4h { mins }}min
Treno Freccia Bianca 886310:1014:15Roma Termini (10:10) -> Reggio Calabria Centrale (16:47)4h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 155109:2614:18Roma Termini (09:26) -> Reggio Calabria Centrale (17:05)4h { mins }}min
Treno Frecciarossa Alta Velocità 958718:45Torino Porta Nuova (10:00) -> Roma Tiburtina (14:40)3h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 153109:2614:11Roma Termini (09:26) -> Reggio Calabria Centrale (16:56)4h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 55514:2619:36Roma Termini (14:26) -> Scalea (19:36)5h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 56116:2621:25Roma Termini (16:26) -> Capaccio (19:57)4h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 55312:2617:32Roma Termini (12:26) -> Paestum (15:49)5h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 55109:2614:12Roma Termini (09:26) -> Paestum (12:45)4h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 152514:2619:32Roma Termini (14:26) -> Reggio Calabria Centrale (22:03)5h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 155312:2617:10Roma Termini (12:26) -> Reggio Calabria Centrale (19:45)4h { mins }}min
Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 815318:3021:45Torino Porta Nuova (13:20) -> Reggio Calabria Centrale (00:11)3h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Roma Termini to Scalea

What time does the first train leave from Roma Termini to Scalea?

The first train between Roma Termini and Scalea leaves at 18:30

What time does the last train leave from Roma Termini to Scalea?

The last train between Roma Termini and Scalea leaves at 18:30

What time does the first train arrive from Roma Termini to Scalea?

The first train between Roma Termini and Scalea arrives at 21:43

What time does the last train arrive from Roma Termini to Scalea?

The last train between Roma Termini and Scalea arrives at 21:45

How many trains are there between Roma Termini and Scalea every day?

There are 14 trains between Roma Termini and Scalea every day.

Which trains are there every day between Roma Termini and Scalea?

Trains run every day between Roma Termini and Scalea: Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 8143, Treno InterCity 1521, Treno Freccia Bianca 8863, Treno InterCity 1551, Treno Frecciarossa Alta Velocità 9587, Treno InterCity 1531, Treno InterCity 555, Treno Eurostar 35061, Treno InterCity 561, Treno InterCity 553, Treno InterCity 551, Treno InterCity 1525, Treno InterCity 1553, Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 8153