Train timetables from San Cristina e Bissone to Ponte d'adda

TrainSan Cristina e BissonePonte d'addaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 509519:4120:31Pavia (19:05) -> Cremona (20:55) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 3326919:4120:32Pavia (19:05) -> Cremona (20:55) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1078119:4120:30Milano Porta Garibaldi (17:01) -> Paderno-Robbiate (17:38) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 3327120:4121:48Pavia (20:05) -> Cremona (22:11)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 509720:4121:47Pavia (20:05) -> Cremona (22:11)1h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from San Cristina e Bissone to Ponte d'adda

What time does the first train leave from San Cristina e Bissone to Ponte d'adda?

The first train between San Cristina e Bissone and Ponte d'adda leaves at 19:41

What time does the last train leave from San Cristina e Bissone to Ponte d'adda?

The last train between San Cristina e Bissone and Ponte d'adda leaves at 20:41

What time does the first train arrive from San Cristina e Bissone to Ponte d'adda?

The first train between San Cristina e Bissone and Ponte d'adda arrives at 20:31

What time does the last train arrive from San Cristina e Bissone to Ponte d'adda?

The last train between San Cristina e Bissone and Ponte d'adda arrives at 21:47

How many trains are there between San Cristina e Bissone and Ponte d'adda every day?

There are 5 trains between San Cristina e Bissone and Ponte d'adda every day.

Which trains are there every day between San Cristina e Bissone and Ponte d'adda?

Trains run every day between San Cristina e Bissone and Ponte d'adda: Treno Regionale 5095, Treno Regionale 33269, Treno Regionale 10781, Treno Regionale 33271, Treno Regionale 5097