Train timetables from San Frediano a Settimo to Torre del Lago

TrainSan Frediano a SettimoTorre del LagoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 1184207:1807:50Firenze Santa Maria Novella (06:08) -> La Spezia Centrale (08:51) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1170507:1807:50Firenze Santa Maria Novella (06:08) -> BIELLA S.PAOLO (07:18) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1188207:1807:50Firenze Santa Maria Novella (06:08) -> La Spezia Centrale (08:51) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1178507:1807:50Firenze Santa Maria Novella (06:08) -> Pisa Centrale (07:32) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from San Frediano a Settimo to Torre del Lago

What time does the first train leave from San Frediano a Settimo to Torre del Lago?

The first train between San Frediano a Settimo and Torre del Lago leaves at 07:18

What time does the last train leave from San Frediano a Settimo to Torre del Lago?

The last train between San Frediano a Settimo and Torre del Lago leaves at 07:18

What time does the first train arrive from San Frediano a Settimo to Torre del Lago?

The first train between San Frediano a Settimo and Torre del Lago arrives at 07:50

What time does the last train arrive from San Frediano a Settimo to Torre del Lago?

The last train between San Frediano a Settimo and Torre del Lago arrives at 07:50

How many trains are there between San Frediano a Settimo and Torre del Lago every day?

There are 4 trains between San Frediano a Settimo and Torre del Lago every day.

Which trains are there every day between San Frediano a Settimo and Torre del Lago?

Trains run every day between San Frediano a Settimo and Torre del Lago: Treno Regionale 11842, Treno Regionale 11705, Treno Regionale 11882, Treno Regionale 11785