Train timetables from San Giovanni Valdarno to SASSUOLO RADICI

TrainSan Giovanni ValdarnoSASSUOLO RADICIEntire sectionDurationInfo
Bus Sostitutivo 9580719:53Reggio Emilia (19:00) -> SASSUOLO RADICI (19:53)18h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from San Giovanni Valdarno to SASSUOLO RADICI

What time does the first train leave from San Giovanni Valdarno to SASSUOLO RADICI?

The first train between San Giovanni Valdarno and SASSUOLO RADICI leaves at undefined

What time does the last train leave from San Giovanni Valdarno to SASSUOLO RADICI?

The last train between San Giovanni Valdarno and SASSUOLO RADICI leaves at undefined

What time does the first train arrive from San Giovanni Valdarno to SASSUOLO RADICI?

The first train between San Giovanni Valdarno and SASSUOLO RADICI arrives at 19:53

What time does the last train arrive from San Giovanni Valdarno to SASSUOLO RADICI?

The last train between San Giovanni Valdarno and SASSUOLO RADICI arrives at 19:53

How many trains are there between San Giovanni Valdarno and SASSUOLO RADICI every day?

There are 1 trains between San Giovanni Valdarno and SASSUOLO RADICI every day.

Which trains are there every day between San Giovanni Valdarno and SASSUOLO RADICI?

Trains run every day between San Giovanni Valdarno and SASSUOLO RADICI: Bus Sostitutivo 95807