Train timetables from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Pontedecimo

TrainSant'Antimo-Sant'ArpinoGenova PontedecimoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2116118:2619:28NAPOLI CENTRALE (18:06) -> Genova Brignole (20:03)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2115516:2716:28Arquata Scrivia (15:48) -> Genova Brignole (17:03) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Pontedecimo

What time does the first train leave from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Pontedecimo?

The first train between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Pontedecimo leaves at 18:26

What time does the last train leave from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Pontedecimo?

The last train between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Pontedecimo leaves at 15:34

What time does the first train arrive from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Pontedecimo?

The first train between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Pontedecimo arrives at 19:28

What time does the last train arrive from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Pontedecimo?

The last train between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Pontedecimo arrives at undefined

How many trains are there between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Pontedecimo every day?

There are 15 trains between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Pontedecimo every day.

Which trains are there every day between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Pontedecimo?

Trains run every day between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Pontedecimo: Treno Regionale 21161, Treno Regionale 21146, Treno Regionale 21140, Treno Regionale 21166, Treno Regionale 21144, Treno Regionale 21152, Treno Regionale 21142, Treno Regionale 21143, Treno Regionale 21155, Treno Regionale 21159, Treno Regionale 21150, Treno Regionale 21164, Treno Regionale 21157, Treno Regionale 21168, Treno Regionale 21160