Train timetables from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Quarto

TrainSant'Antimo-Sant'ArpinoGenova QuartoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2105204:2314:43NAPOLI CENTRALE (04:05) -> Roma Termini (06:30)10h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2104205:5012:14NAPOLI CENTRALE (05:31) -> Formia-Gaeta (06:50)6h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Quarto

What time does the first train leave from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Quarto?

The first train between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Quarto leaves at 07:36

What time does the last train leave from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Quarto?

The last train between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Quarto leaves at 05:50

What time does the first train arrive from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Quarto?

The first train between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Quarto arrives at undefined

What time does the last train arrive from Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino to Genova Quarto?

The last train between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Quarto arrives at 12:14

How many trains are there between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Quarto every day?

There are 13 trains between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Quarto every day.

Which trains are there every day between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Quarto?

Trains run every day between Sant'Antimo-Sant'Arpino and Genova Quarto: Treno Regionale 90249, Treno Regionale 21054, Treno Regionale 21045, Treno Regionale 12351, Treno Regionale 21041, Treno Regionale 21039, Treno Regionale 21070, Treno Regionale 12353, Treno Regionale 21068, Treno Regionale 21052, Treno Regionale 21059, Treno Regionale 12352, Treno Regionale 21042