Train timetables from Senigallia to Ostuni

TrainSenigalliaOstuniEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno InterCity 62310:1016:02Bologna Centrale (08:00) -> Lecce (17:00)5h { mins }}min
Treno Freccia Bianca 889315:1320:12Milano Centrale (11:35) -> Lecce (20:58)4h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 154514:3921:21Milano Centrale (10:00) -> Lecce (22:08)6h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 60714:0319:52Milano Porta Garibaldi (09:10) -> Molfetta (18:39)5h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 60916:0521:59Bologna Centrale (14:00) -> Lecce (22:58)5h { mins }}min
Treno InterCity 60316:02Bologna Centrale (08:00) -> San Severo (13:32)5h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Senigallia to Ostuni

What time does the first train leave from Senigallia to Ostuni?

The first train between Senigallia and Ostuni leaves at 10:10

What time does the last train leave from Senigallia to Ostuni?

The last train between Senigallia and Ostuni leaves at undefined

What time does the first train arrive from Senigallia to Ostuni?

The first train between Senigallia and Ostuni arrives at 16:02

What time does the last train arrive from Senigallia to Ostuni?

The last train between Senigallia and Ostuni arrives at 16:02

How many trains are there between Senigallia and Ostuni every day?

There are 6 trains between Senigallia and Ostuni every day.

Which trains are there every day between Senigallia and Ostuni?

Trains run every day between Senigallia and Ostuni: Treno InterCity 623, Treno Freccia Bianca 8893, Treno InterCity 1545, Treno InterCity 607, Treno InterCity 609, Treno InterCity 603