Train timetables from Seregno to Lesmo

TrainSeregnoLesmoEntire sectionDurationInfo
Bus Sostitutivo 5023A17:0817:31Seregno (17:08) -> Carnate-Usmate (17:48) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5015A13:0813:31Seregno (13:08) -> Carnate-Usmate (13:48) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5021A16:0816:31Seregno (16:08) -> Carnate-Usmate (16:48) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5017A14:3514:58Seregno (14:35) -> Carnate-Usmate (15:15) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5011A11:0811:31Seregno (11:08) -> Carnate-Usmate (11:48) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5003A07:0807:31Seregno (07:08) -> Carnate-Usmate (07:48) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5019A15:3515:58Seregno (15:35) -> Carnate-Usmate (16:15) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5027A19:3519:58Seregno (19:35) -> Carnate-Usmate (20:15) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5001A06:3506:58Seregno (06:35) -> Carnate-Usmate (07:15) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5025A18:0818:31Seregno (18:08) -> Carnate-Usmate (18:48) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5005A08:3508:58Seregno (08:35) -> Carnate-Usmate (09:15) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo 5009A10:3510:58Seregno (10:35) -> Carnate-Usmate (11:15) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Seregno to Lesmo

What time does the first train leave from Seregno to Lesmo?

The first train between Seregno and Lesmo leaves at undefined

What time does the last train leave from Seregno to Lesmo?

The last train between Seregno and Lesmo leaves at 10:35

What time does the first train arrive from Seregno to Lesmo?

The first train between Seregno and Lesmo arrives at undefined

What time does the last train arrive from Seregno to Lesmo?

The last train between Seregno and Lesmo arrives at 10:58

How many trains are there between Seregno and Lesmo every day?

There are 15 trains between Seregno and Lesmo every day.

Which trains are there every day between Seregno and Lesmo?

Trains run every day between Seregno and Lesmo: Bus Sostitutivo 5029A, Bus Sostitutivo 5023A, Bus Sostitutivo 5015A, Bus Sostitutivo 5021A, Bus Sostitutivo 5007A, Bus Sostitutivo 5017A, Bus Sostitutivo 5011A, Bus Sostitutivo 5003A, Bus Sostitutivo 5019A, Bus Sostitutivo 5013A, Bus Sostitutivo 5027A, Bus Sostitutivo 5001A, Bus Sostitutivo 5025A, Bus Sostitutivo 5005A, Bus Sostitutivo 5009A