Train timetables from Sesto Fiorentino to Ripafratta

TrainSesto FiorentinoRipafrattaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2188613:2114:48Firenze Santa Maria Novella (13:09) -> Pisa Centrale (15:13)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 303406:1508:02Firenze Santa Maria Novella (06:03) -> Pisa Centrale (08:25)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1853019:2120:49Firenze Santa Maria Novella (19:09) -> Pisa Centrale (21:13)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1849212:5014:47Firenze Santa Maria Novella (12:37) -> Pisa Centrale (15:13)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 304006:1508:02Firenze Santa Maria Novella (06:03) -> Pisa Centrale (08:25)1h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Sesto Fiorentino to Ripafratta

What time does the first train leave from Sesto Fiorentino to Ripafratta?

The first train between Sesto Fiorentino and Ripafratta leaves at 13:21

What time does the last train leave from Sesto Fiorentino to Ripafratta?

The last train between Sesto Fiorentino and Ripafratta leaves at 06:15

What time does the first train arrive from Sesto Fiorentino to Ripafratta?

The first train between Sesto Fiorentino and Ripafratta arrives at 14:48

What time does the last train arrive from Sesto Fiorentino to Ripafratta?

The last train between Sesto Fiorentino and Ripafratta arrives at 08:02

How many trains are there between Sesto Fiorentino and Ripafratta every day?

There are 8 trains between Sesto Fiorentino and Ripafratta every day.

Which trains are there every day between Sesto Fiorentino and Ripafratta?

Trains run every day between Sesto Fiorentino and Ripafratta: Treno Regionale 21886, Treno Regionale 18494, Treno Regionale 3034, Treno Regionale 33941, Treno Regionale 18530, Treno Regionale 18492, Treno Regionale 18514, Treno Regionale 3040