Train timetables from Tito to Potenza Centrale

TrainTitoPotenza CentraleEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 788507:5908:16Bella-Muro (07:20) -> Potenza Centrale (08:16) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo PZ12312:5513:07Bella-Muro (12:20) -> Potenza Macchia Romana (13:25) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2110112:0512:15Bella-Muro (11:35) -> Potenza Centrale (12:15) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo PZ48507:5508:07Bella-Muro (07:20) -> Potenza Centrale (08:07) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo PZ12520:2420:44Bella-Muro (19:50) -> Potenza Centrale (20:36) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1233107:0707:23Salerno (05:26) -> Potenza Centrale (07:23) { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 2110307:3907:53Salerno (05:45) -> Potenza Centrale (07:53) { mins }}min
Bus Sostitutivo PZ12108:5209:04Bella-Muro (08:10) -> Potenza Macchia Romana (09:24) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Tito to Potenza Centrale

What time does the first train leave from Tito to Potenza Centrale?

The first train between Tito and Potenza Centrale leaves at 07:59

What time does the last train leave from Tito to Potenza Centrale?

The last train between Tito and Potenza Centrale leaves at 08:52

What time does the first train arrive from Tito to Potenza Centrale?

The first train between Tito and Potenza Centrale arrives at 08:16

What time does the last train arrive from Tito to Potenza Centrale?

The last train between Tito and Potenza Centrale arrives at 09:04

How many trains are there between Tito and Potenza Centrale every day?

There are 8 trains between Tito and Potenza Centrale every day.

Which trains are there every day between Tito and Potenza Centrale?

Trains run every day between Tito and Potenza Centrale: Treno Regionale 7885, Bus Sostitutivo PZ123, Treno Regionale 21101, Bus Sostitutivo PZ485, Bus Sostitutivo PZ125, Treno Regionale 12331, Treno Regionale 21103, Bus Sostitutivo PZ121