Train timetables from Treviso Centrale to Busche-Lentiai-Mel

TrainTreviso CentraleBusche-Lentiai-MelEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno Regionale 2090607:3508:46Treviso Centrale (07:35) -> Alano-Fener-Valdobbiadene (08:20)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1730818:3519:46Treviso Centrale (18:35) -> Belluno (20:15)1h { mins }}min
Treno Regionale 1729011:3512:46Treviso Centrale (11:35) -> Belluno (13:15)1h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Treviso Centrale to Busche-Lentiai-Mel

What time does the first train leave from Treviso Centrale to Busche-Lentiai-Mel?

The first train between Treviso Centrale and Busche-Lentiai-Mel leaves at 17:35

What time does the last train leave from Treviso Centrale to Busche-Lentiai-Mel?

The last train between Treviso Centrale and Busche-Lentiai-Mel leaves at 11:35

What time does the first train arrive from Treviso Centrale to Busche-Lentiai-Mel?

The first train between Treviso Centrale and Busche-Lentiai-Mel arrives at undefined

What time does the last train arrive from Treviso Centrale to Busche-Lentiai-Mel?

The last train between Treviso Centrale and Busche-Lentiai-Mel arrives at 12:46

How many trains are there between Treviso Centrale and Busche-Lentiai-Mel every day?

There are 7 trains between Treviso Centrale and Busche-Lentiai-Mel every day.

Which trains are there every day between Treviso Centrale and Busche-Lentiai-Mel?

Trains run every day between Treviso Centrale and Busche-Lentiai-Mel: Treno Regionale 17306, Bus Sostitutivo VE486, Treno Regionale 17292, Treno Regionale 20906, Treno Regionale 17308, Treno Regionale 33622, Treno Regionale 17290