Train timetables from Venezia Santa Lucia to NAPOLI CENTRALE

TrainVenezia Santa LuciaNAPOLI CENTRALEEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 892116:0021:20Venezia Santa Lucia (16:00) -> NAPOLI CENTRALE (21:20)5h { mins }}min
Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 896316:0021:30Venezia Santa Lucia (16:00) -> Salerno (22:08)5h { mins }}min
Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 896116:0021:20Venezia Santa Lucia (16:00) -> NAPOLI CENTRALE (21:20)5h { mins }}min
Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 896209:35Salerno (08:53) -> Venezia Mestre (14:48)18h { mins }}min
Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 892316:0021:31Venezia Santa Lucia (16:00) -> Salerno (22:09)5h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Venezia Santa Lucia to NAPOLI CENTRALE

What time does the first train leave from Venezia Santa Lucia to NAPOLI CENTRALE?

The first train between Venezia Santa Lucia and NAPOLI CENTRALE leaves at undefined

What time does the last train leave from Venezia Santa Lucia to NAPOLI CENTRALE?

The last train between Venezia Santa Lucia and NAPOLI CENTRALE leaves at 16:00

What time does the first train arrive from Venezia Santa Lucia to NAPOLI CENTRALE?

The first train between Venezia Santa Lucia and NAPOLI CENTRALE arrives at undefined

What time does the last train arrive from Venezia Santa Lucia to NAPOLI CENTRALE?

The last train between Venezia Santa Lucia and NAPOLI CENTRALE arrives at 21:31

How many trains are there between Venezia Santa Lucia and NAPOLI CENTRALE every day?

There are 12 trains between Venezia Santa Lucia and NAPOLI CENTRALE every day.

Which trains are there every day between Venezia Santa Lucia and NAPOLI CENTRALE?

Trains run every day between Venezia Santa Lucia and NAPOLI CENTRALE: Treno Regionale 5791, Treno Regionale 5773, Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 8921, Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 8963, Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 8961, Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 8962, Treno Regionale 5777, Treno Regionale 5766, Treno Regionale 5795, Treno Regionale 5768, Treno Regionale 5781, Treno 'Italo Alta Velocità' 8923