Train timetables from WIEN HBF to Klagenfurt

TrainWIEN HBFKlagenfurtEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno EuroNight 123604:07Livorno Centrale (19:20) -> Bruch (06:21)19h { mins }}min
Treno EuroNight 23219:2323:37Villaco (01:34) -> Milano Centrale (09:12)4h { mins }}min
Treno EuroNight 123404:07Livorno Centrale (19:20) -> Vienna Meidling (08:26)19h { mins }}min
Treno EuroNight 23404:39Milano Centrale (20:40) -> Vienna Meidling (08:39)19h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 13213:37Venezia Santa Lucia (09:55) -> WIEN HBF (17:35)20h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from WIEN HBF to Klagenfurt

What time does the first train leave from WIEN HBF to Klagenfurt?

The first train between WIEN HBF and Klagenfurt leaves at undefined

What time does the last train leave from WIEN HBF to Klagenfurt?

The last train between WIEN HBF and Klagenfurt leaves at undefined

What time does the first train arrive from WIEN HBF to Klagenfurt?

The first train between WIEN HBF and Klagenfurt arrives at 04:07

What time does the last train arrive from WIEN HBF to Klagenfurt?

The last train between WIEN HBF and Klagenfurt arrives at 13:37

How many trains are there between WIEN HBF and Klagenfurt every day?

There are 5 trains between WIEN HBF and Klagenfurt every day.

Which trains are there every day between WIEN HBF and Klagenfurt?

Trains run every day between WIEN HBF and Klagenfurt: Treno EuroNight 1236, Treno EuroNight 232, Treno EuroNight 1234, Treno EuroNight 234, Treno EuroCity 132