Train timetables from Woergl Hbf to Fortezza

TrainWoergl HbfFortezzaEntire sectionDurationInfo
Treno EuroCity 8712:4614:46MUENCHEN HBF (11:34) -> Verona Porta Nuova (18:58)2h
Treno EuroCity 8108:4610:46MUENCHEN HBF (07:34) -> Bologna Centrale (14:10)2h
Treno EuroCity 128908:4610:41MUENCHEN HBF (07:34) -> Venezia Santa Lucia (13:55)1h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 128108:4610:46MUENCHEN HBF (07:34) -> Venezia Santa Lucia (14:28)2h
Treno EuroCity 8510:4612:46MUENCHEN HBF (09:34) -> Rimini (17:33)2h
Treno EuroCity 18519:1921:34WIEN HBF (15:30) -> Bressanone (21:43)2h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 128819:13Venezia Santa Lucia (15:35) -> Monaco di Baviera Est (22:16)21h { mins }}min
Treno EuroCity 8310:4612:46MUENCHEN HBF (09:34) -> Bologna Centrale (16:19)2h
Treno EuroCity 8914:4616:46MUENCHEN HBF (13:34) -> Bologna Centrale (20:16)2h

Questions and answers about the route and trains from Woergl Hbf to Fortezza

What time does the first train leave from Woergl Hbf to Fortezza?

The first train between Woergl Hbf and Fortezza leaves at 12:46

What time does the last train leave from Woergl Hbf to Fortezza?

The last train between Woergl Hbf and Fortezza leaves at 14:46

What time does the first train arrive from Woergl Hbf to Fortezza?

The first train between Woergl Hbf and Fortezza arrives at 14:46

What time does the last train arrive from Woergl Hbf to Fortezza?

The last train between Woergl Hbf and Fortezza arrives at 16:46

How many trains are there between Woergl Hbf and Fortezza every day?

There are 9 trains between Woergl Hbf and Fortezza every day.

Which trains are there every day between Woergl Hbf and Fortezza?

Trains run every day between Woergl Hbf and Fortezza: Treno EuroCity 87, Treno EuroCity 81, Treno EuroCity 1289, Treno EuroCity 1281, Treno EuroCity 85, Treno EuroCity 185, Treno EuroCity 1288, Treno EuroCity 83, Treno EuroCity 89