Timetable Treno Regionale 10021/4039 from Torino Porta Nuova (18:30) to Aosta (20:53)

Guaranteed train in the event of a strike on weekdays only The actual arrival and departure times in the individual stations and the guaranteed route may be different from what is indicated

Torino Porta Nuova18:30
Torino Porta Susa18:39

Questions and answers on the Treno Regionale 10021/4039

Where does the Treno Regionale 10021/4039 leave from?

The Treno Regionale 10021/4039 leaves from Torino Porta Nuova station.

Where does the Treno Regionale 10021/4039 train arrive?

The Treno Regionale 10021/4039 arrives at the Aosta station.

How many stops does the Treno Regionale 10021/4039 make?

Treno Regionale 10021/4039 makes 4 stops.

What are the stops of the Treno Regionale 10021/4039?

The Treno Regionale 10021/4039 stops at the stations of: Torino Porta Nuova, Torino Porta Susa, Chivasso, Aosta

Can I take my bike on Treno Regionale 10021/4039?

No, you can't bring your bike to Treno Regionale 10021/4039.